

During our interview with Patti Seguljia from the 4H organization decided to ask her about how all of the kids positively deal with and get along with all genders. Patti loved the question that I had to ask because in their organization they enjoy focusing on the younger generation and having them understand different genders and that we should all get along with them. Even though that this organization is predominately females, even though it is still just as open to boys as well. Another thing that Patti Seguljia from the 4H organization also mentioned that “Girls especially dominate the 4-H horse program because boys think riding horses is considered girly.” (P. Seguljia, personal communication, February 28th, 2018) Hearing this from Patti Seguljia was at first very interesting because I had never seen horseback riding assorted into any specific gender type. Although looking back at the stats of whether girls or boys prefer riding horses It is in fact girls. It is the type of activity that applies more to females than to males because most males prefer activates where they themselves are being active and more involved with other people as well.


This discussion leads me to ask another question which was, have you tried to get more boys to join and involve themselves in 4-H? with that question, Patti Segulija from the 4H organization responded with “ Yes of course. In my club, specifically, I like to ask the dad’s in the club for help, that way, when we are out doing volunteer work or competing at local fairgrounds, boys walking by can see other male role models involved in our club.” (P. Seguljia, personal communication, February 28th, 2018) This really made me feel much better about this organization because they are even trying to get male parents to help with volunteering so that the boys that are already involved in this organization can feel much more comfortable with being there and also encourage their male friends as well to join. Overall, this organization does a wonderful job with including every type of person male or female and making sure that they are all doing what is important which is having fun with helping one another. Our community partner does a great job with dealing with gender, not only just dealing with different types of genders but actually going out of their way with making them feel accepted in the community, and would highly recommend this organization to everyone.
To talk more about how I managed to fit in not only my perspectives but other perspectives of gender. I felt that it was important to bring many other frames of references into this topic to show the differences and similarities and differences between what everyone thinks about gender and how it does relate to our research topic. The event that we went to was called a Tack sale that was held on Friday, March 2nd. We were invited to go to this event by Patti Seguljia. This event is where families that are below the poverty level that are in the 4-H community can buy horse gear, competition cloth, and much more for a really cheap price. All of this is volunteer run.


At first, I wanted to talk about a quote from Amusing ourselves to death by Neil Postman “silence has been replaced by background noises”. While I was reading this, it was making me think of the many times women have tried to stand up for what they believe in because they deserve their rights. When women were working while the war was going on we only really paid attention to the fact that they were working but we didn’t even care to realize the accomplishments that they were making during the war. For example, we are to believe that men were the first to create a working computer when in reality it was really women. It is things like this that blinds us from seeing the accomplishments that women in the past have made along with women today as well. We only really see women as playing roles and taking orders. While I was looking into this matter I have discovered that the United States isn’t balanced when it comes to income which makes our economy fall and makes us turn on one another stead of being united. Gender overall is an important concept to understand so that we can learn to break these socially constructed norms and ideologies and work together and unite as a country. After discussing with 4H it is obvious that one of their goals is to break those socially constructed norms and ideologies and work on helping these young children unite and work together so that we will finally be able to fix these socially constructed roles that are clearly dividing our country and hasn’t done much good for it as well.



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Lauren Ballard

Word Count: 812


Postman, N. (2007). Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Showbusiness. London: Methuen.

(P. Seguljia, personal communication, February 28th, 2018)


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